Quick Aurasma Demo for Teachers




1.進入官網:連上www.aurasma.com後,請點選Sing Up。 2.申請帳號:點 ... 大致和步驟1相同,依序填入名稱、檔案類型(影片、圖片、網址或3D Model)。


感受神奇的AR效果吧! 另外在手機上也可以直接製作,還有3D模型素材可以使用,不過能編輯的項目就不如手機多,除此之外,手機版事先選定目標物在選觸發物喔!

Workflow Question

I'm trying to get a model taken from 3D scan using the Autodesk 123D Catch app into Aurasma. According to their FAQ, this needs to be ...

Aurasma - A 3D model collection by nicovangoed

3D Modelling and Texturing for AR while working at Aurasma - now called ''HP Reveal. - Aurasma - A 3D model collection by nicovangoed.

Aurasma first 3D model test

The trigger for Aurasma must be exactly the same image as your printed trigger, then you add an aura, which is the 3D .tar folder.


Aurasma is an augmented reality platform. It is available as a software development kit or as a free app for iOS and Android-based mobile devices.


Aurasma是一個擴增實境的工具,能讓圖片、影像及文字立體呈現,增加真實感。只要先把圖像製成Aura的靜態圖片,用Aurasma應用程式進行掃描,就會在圖片上浮現 ...

Aurasma 3D Object Maya Workflow

This is a basic workflow for how to get 3D objects from Autodesk Maya into the augmented reality platform Aurasma.

3D Printing and Augmented Reality with Aurasma, Sara Russell ...

Go to channel · Tool holder using Onshape sketches and extrusion - 3D design for 3D printing pt2. Teaching Tech•249K views · 49:08 · Go to ...


1.進入官網:連上www.aurasma.com後,請點選SingUp。2.申請帳號:點...大致和步驟1相同,依序填入名稱、檔案類型(影片、圖片、網址或3DModel)。,感受神奇的AR效果吧!另外在手機上也可以直接製作,還有3D模型素材可以使用,不過能編輯的項目就不如手機多,除此之外,手機版事先選定目標物在選觸發物喔!,I'mtryingtogetamodeltakenfrom3DscanusingtheAutodesk123DCatchappintoAurasma.AccordingtotheirFAQ,thisneedstobe ...,3...